
Pinterest Marketing Tips

Are your Pinterest impressions dropping?

Published 3 months ago • 2 min read

Hey, Reader!

Have you felt a shift in your Pinterest results lately? You're not alone.

I've been hearing from creators about their Pinterest impressions dropping. It seems like the more they pin the faster it declines.

So what's going on?

It's no secret that Pinterest has seen many changes in the last few years, especially this past year.

Staying updated on these changes and best practices is crucial to your success on the platform.

An outdated pinning strategy might not just be ineffective but could be hurting your ability to get your pins indexed and in front of your audience.

It's hard for me to see creators pouring hours into crafting amazing content and pins, only for their efforts to vanish into the abyss.

So what's a girl to do?

If you want to make sure your time and efforts aren't wasted (and your pins are actually showing up in front of your ideal audience), I can help you!

Through years of conducting in-depth Pinterest audits, I've witnessed firsthand the transformative power of having an expert look over your account and pinning habits.

For example: A few months back, I did an audit for Barbara. After months of hard work and dedication, her Pinterest strategy was on the brink of collapse. She was confused and ready to give up.

In a last-ditch effort, she booked an audit with me and I was able to uncover a simple yet critical glitch: her pins were all leading to blank pages on her website.

Pinterest is always evaluating our pins and content to decide if our pins are worth showing.

One of the factors they use is your website's bounce rate. So discovering this glitch not only saved her efforts but was also a simple fix.

She was finally able to figure out why her efforts weren't producing results and felt a sense of relief when I discovered this simple error.

I know how valuable this opportunity is, but I also realize that a lot of us are currently struggling with the high cost of living right now.

So, I've decided to open up 5 spots for Pinterest audits at a special price, so you don't have to waste your time running in circles trying to guess what might be going wrong.

Normally a $150 value, I'm offering five comprehensive audits for just $79!

Here's a glimpse of what a Pinterest video audit contains:

Profile Perfection - Fine-tuning your profile to resonate deeply with your desired audience.

Pin Potential - Detailed analysis and feedback to elevate your pins engagement and click-through rates.

Board Brilliance - Strategic board recommendations to maximize SEO impact.

Traffic Tactics - Personalized strategies to increase targeted traffic to your website.

Keyword Recommendations - Unveiling the keywords that will make your content stand out and attract your audience.

Pinning Strategy - A close look at your pinning method, coupled with robust strategies to enhance your pinning effectiveness.

However, with only 5 spots available, this opportunity won't be available for long.

Please note: If you don't see the discount on the checkout page, this means that all 5 of the spots have been taken.

If you're ready to stop asking yourself, "What's happening with my Pinterest account? Am I even doing this right?" I encourage you to secure your spot now.

Looking forward to being a part of your Pinterest success story,

Much Love and Success,

P.S. What happens when I book my Pinterest audit?

1. After payment, you'll receive an email from me with all the details and a link to my questionnaire.

2. Once you fill it out, I'll get to work on a comprehensive video audit of your account. (Usually a 15-20 minute video)

3. I'll send your audit over within 5 business days along with a cool personalized Action Plan to help you take action on my suggestions.

Get clarity and discover any issues holding you back before you pour more time and effort into pinning. Book your audit now!

Pinterest Marketing Tips

Kyla Sims from Dish It Out Social

Helping bloggers and digital product creators level up their Pinterest marketing game with a weekly newsletter full of Pinterest marketing tips and resources.

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