
Pinterest Marketing Tips

How I made an extra $83 from Pinterest last week

Published about 2 months ago • 3 min read

Hey Reader,

Have you ever wondered how people actually make money from Pinterest?

Maybe you've seen some of those "get rich quick" videos that have been circulating.

You know, those ones promising easy money if you just spam the platform with your affiliate links.

And then there's the advice to steal popular pins and repin it with your own affiliate link like it's some sort of secret sauce. Sneaky, right?

This is NOT the golden ticket to making money on Pinterest!

There's a classier, more effective way to do it: weaving those links inside your blog content. This approach isn't just about playing by the rules; it's about genuinely engaging your audience.

And when done right, especially with a good traffic flow, it pays off.

For example: I have a older blog post where I talk about the benefits of using Tailwind. I include my TW affiliate link throughout the post.

And I haven't had to pay my annual Tailwind fee in two years because my affiliate income pays for it. Not too shabby!

But here's how I really make money from Pinterest...

Leads - My number one way of making money from Pinterest is through growing my email list. My email list is by far my biggest generator of income (for the course side of my business).

*The more subscribers I have, the more money I can make in the future.

Blog Posts - Pinterest is my go-to for driving traffic to my blog. At the end of my most popular posts, I always include a little shout-out to either a low-cost digital product or my Secret Pinners Club membership.

*More eyes on my content mean more potential sales.

Direct - Pinning my offers and sending people directly to my sales pages. I find pinners usually take longer to convert (30 to 90 days) but when I was selling my ebook I got sales by sending people directly to the sales page.

*This strategy works well for low-cost digital products like ebook, templates, and planners, but it doesn't work very well for higher priced offers.

Making sure my website is ready to convert Pinterest-driven traffic into leads and sales is crucial.

This brings me to our subject line and probably why you opened this email in the first place.

I made an extra $83 in passive income from Pinterest in the span of just a few days.

I sold a couple of pre-recorded workshops for $37 and even had a tripwire sale for $9.

You may be wondering, how do I know these sales and signups came from Pinterest traffic?

I added Pinterest tracking tags to my website so I track my organic sales coming from Pinterest.

I highly recommend doing this for your own website so you can be confident your pinning efforts are actially translatting to cold hard cash.

When you add these tags, Pinterest will automatically track all of the sales that came from your Pinterest traffic.

Once these tags are successfully installed, you'll see your conversions/sales right inside your 'Conversion Insights' dashboard under Analytics.

As you can see in the image above, I had 5 sales over the last 30 days.

These are for a $17 tripwire offer I send to new subscribers.

I made sales EVEN with low traffic. You'll notice I only had 1.44k page visits the last 30 days.

If you want to learn how to set up Pinterest tags on your own website...

🔗 Read my blog post for step-by-step instructions

Don't Miss Out!

Get access to my Pinterest Starter Kit plus tons of other biz resources that will help you start a podcast, grow your audience, launch your offers, do the mindset work, and so many other amazing offers from big names like Dama Jue and Elizabeth Goddard.

Plus, I'm giving you a special bonus when you purchase through my affiliate link. You'll get instant access to my List-Building Secrets masterclass (value $27). Discover the secrets to growing your email list using Pinterest.

Hurry, this offer ends tomorrow! Click here to check out everything that's included for only $47! (my affiliate link)

Much Love and Success,

P.S. Ready to get serious about Pinterest? When you're ready, here are a few ways I can help...

  1. Get access to ongoing Pinterest training plus the support you need when you join my low-cost monthly Pinterest membership, the Secret Pinners Club.
  2. Get a customized action plan when you book a 1:1 Pinterest strategy call.
  3. Struggling to set up or manage your Pinterest account? Hire me to do it! Click here to see all the services I offer.

Pinterest Marketing Tips

Kyla Sims from Dish It Out Social

Helping bloggers and digital product creators level up their Pinterest marketing game with a weekly newsletter full of Pinterest marketing tips and resources.

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